Advanced Skill Department

ACLS ® (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Program

CPSP is pleased to announce the initiation of the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Program at CPSP, initially at Karachi. The Program has been acquired from American Heart Association and has accreditation from American Heart Association.

Importance of the Program

Worldwide over 40% of all disease burden is due to one group of diseases – the Cardiovascular Diseases. All other diseases together account for less than 60% of the prevalent disease burden of mankind.

Cardiac diseases are the leading cause of death. During 2002, WHO reported through wikipedia 57.029 Million deaths for the year, of which 41.98% were caused by Heart diseases. Another 9.66% were caused by cerebrovascular disease. Ischemic heart disease was the cause of 3,512,000 deaths in developed countries, while in developing countries it caused death to 2,484,000 human beings.

Importance of the Programs in Pakistan

In Pakistan more than 50% of deaths in the adult population are due to Cardiovascular Diseases and about 30% of all deaths are due to cardiovascular causes.

Heart Disease spares no age. About 1% of all babies born in Pakistan have Congenital Heart Disease. About 5% of school age children have Rheumatic Heart Disease. About 14% of the adult population of Pakistan suffers from High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) and Coronary Artery Disease (Angina and Heart Attacks). These programs therefore acquire special importance for the healthcare providers.

(Above data provided through the courtesy of Prof. Azhar .Masood A. Faruqi, Director, National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Karachi) Most of the patients of Heart diseases, when admitted to hospital, lose their lives within the first hour of onset of symptoms. About 90% of these deaths are due to sudden cardiac arrest secondary to ventricular fibrillation.

Course Concepts

Advanced Cardiac Life Support program has been developed by the American Heart Association (AHA) to enhance the skills of the attending doctors in emergencies, treating the victims of cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary diseases. It helps to recognize ventricular fibrillation and other life threatening arrhythmias so as to enable them to plan adequate treatment strategies.

Administration of Course

ACLS is based on a simulated clinical scenario that encourages active, hands-on participation through learning stations where trainees practice essential skills individually, as part of a team and as team leader with the help of ACLS algorithms.

ACLS Course Pertains to

Pre course written multiple choice Assessment (Open manual type)

Practice While Watching (PWW) videos including Adult and Pediatric CPR with the use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

PWW Management of Primary and Secondary Airway.

Skill Stations for Management of non-arrest rhythms (including Bradyarrhythmias and Tachyarrhythmias with pulse)

Skill Stations for Management of pulseless arrest rhythms ( including asystole)

Technology Review to learn the difference between Defibrillation and Cardioversion.

Video based Recognition of S/S and management of Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Recognition of S/S and management of Acute Ischemic Stroke through video.

Putting it all together for learning management of one arrhythmia changing to the other.

Post course written test.(Closed Book)

Mega-Code test.

Recommendations for ACLS Participants

ACLS provider manual needs to be comprehended before participation in the course.

A candidate who has not received his manual atleast couple of days prior to the course is recommended to wait for the next course. The candidate must solve the pretest assessment preferably at home before attempting the course.

Dressing during the course should be comfortable for the practice at the skills stations.


The course is designed primarily for general physicians, family healthcare providers, nurses, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other professionals who either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a patient, at the pre-emergencies, emergencies or in the hospital.

Course Duration

ACLS Course is of 13½ hours duration spread over onto two days which includes breaks.

Card Type

American Heart Association completion card & also acknowledgement from CPSP.

Course Completion Test

Post course written test with passing (closed book test).


CPSP shall award certification to the successful candidates which is accredited by the American Heart Association and accepted by all the countries which have adopted AHA based Cardiac life support training as a policy. The certification is valid for two years and is required to be renewed by participating in a one day renewal course.


The candidates are required to contact and apply for the AHA Courses at the following address:

Ms. Saima Jamil

National Coordinator & Dy.GM
Advanced Skills Department, CPSP Headquarter
College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan.
7th Central Street, Phase II, DHA Karachi.
UAN : 111-606-606
Tel : 0092-21-9266343,
Ext : 305
Email :
For any complain/feedback please write us :

College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan

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